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Sunday, March 30, 2014


This below post is a reposting of the original SociAllMedia Issues post from 11/30/2011, on SOCIAL NETWORKING AND RELATIONSHIPS (along with my comments), which was the inception of my activities as a Hobby Blogger and was carried out to help a dear acquaintance (photo below) who is working on regaining the asset that best characterized her as a younger lady, her charismatic smile, regain it, and remind her that it's never too late to assist another in a meaningful exercise, (especially one who is appreciated for her persistence in the pursuit of "worthy" causes).   THE REISSUED BLOG POST IS SHOWN BELOW IN ITS ENTIRETY.

"Earlier today I had occasion to comment on the results of a recent study in Wired Magazine issued around November 22, 2011 by a Social Network Leader, [see
It's A Small(er) World After All], which implied that individuals were more connected, because of large numbers of social network connections they appear to generate. This Blog was started to ensure that its real intent (as posted on another Social Networking, Information Distribution Leader's Pages is not misunderstood). My comment focused on the implied premise that large numbers of followers are an indication of people being more connected; which I disagree with simply because it is NOT ONLY impossible to have meaningful relationships with volumes of individuals, BUT ALSO reduces the importance of relationships to superficiality, in my opinion".

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